I, born in 1969, know neurodermatitis from my own thirty-year affliction: from early childhood to adulthood I suffered from the disease. My parents and I tried all kinds of therapies during this time – from cortisone ointments and numerous creams or skin care products to nutritional supplements and baths to UV radiation, diets, and dental rehabilitation. None of these treatments produced any lasting improvement or even healing of my inflamed, open skin, not to mention the impact on my family, friendships, relationships, professional life, and happiness.
But then I came into contact with the possibility of curing my neurodermatitis myself. That this could be achieved had always been ruled out by the doctors. Nevertheless, I made the attempt and it succeeded – step by step, but with visible and noticeable success. Restrictions due to my skin are now, twenty years later, far in the past.
Motivated by my healing success and outraged that this possibility is withheld from so many sufferers or overlooked by them, I wrote the book “Caught and Cured in Neurodermatitis Skin” in 2007, in which I tell my path of experience as a sometimes real, sometimes fictional story. A little later I trained therapeutically in Reincarnation Therapy with Mathias Wendel and Past Life Regression Therapy with Ursula Schmitz in Germany. I quit my self-employment as a lawyer in international educational cooperation to work therapeutically as a healing practitioner for psychotherapy. I have acquired several methods and spiritual concepts from AyurYoga and astrology to energetic healing and emotional and mental harmonization. I have always questioned how healing works and have incorporated the answers into my therapy work, thereby helping other neurodermatitis sufferers to heal themselves.