The Neurodermatitis Online Workshop

Lay the groundwork for your self-healing process

The Neurodermatitis Online Workshop is for you if you suffer from neurodermatitis and want to create the conditions for your self-healing process. You will get the most important insights and core elements from my therapeutic practice and learn to implement them for yourself.

The goal of the Neurodermatitis Online Workshop is for you to begin to heal yourself. You will learn what has prevented you or your skin from healing so far and how to remove these blockages from your path. To do this, you clarify under guidance the most important unfavorable patterns that you have developed and established in your thinking, feeling, and acting. Your results will be discussed in the group. Finally, I guide you to implement your results permanently, so that the symptoms, i.e. the signs of illness, can disappear.

The Neurodermatitis Online Workshop takes place exclusively online via PC or laptop; for this you need the latest Skype software with audion and camera. The workshop lasts one day plus half a day. Individual work under my guidance and group communication alternate during the workshop. A free preliminary talk via Skype is a prerequisite for your registration.
Maximum number of participants: 3.
Price: 550,- Euro.
Next combined date: 25.01.2025, 10 to approx. 19 h, plus debriefing: 01.03.2025, 10 to approx. 13 h.

Feedback on the
neurodermatitis online workshop

My clients report on the workshop

Each feedback has been created and approved by my clients and was carefully translated into English.
Due to my duty of confidentiality and to ensure anonymity, I limit the personal details to the first name.