I found the workshop very exciting and eye-opening. I felt as if - with the loving and perceptive support of Kathrin and the second workshop participant - one was doing some spring cleaning in one's thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. I have the feeling that since then I can see...
I found the workshop very exciting and eye-opening. I felt as if - with the loving and perceptive support of Kathrin and the second workshop participant - one was doing some spring cleaning in one's thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. I have the feeling that since then I can see more clearly what is going on inside me. I found the atmosphere during the workshop to be very warm and pleasant, yet focused. It was a good environment to open up. I was worried in advance that the topic would be treated rather superficially because of the few hours and that information would merely be provided, but this concern was really unfounded. It was really a work(!)store where we could learn a lot about ourselves. I realized that my skin is actually healthy, but that it carries things to the outside that can be accepted and resolved on the inside or communicated in ways other than through the skin. I also realized that many of my stressful thoughts, fears, and actions originated in beliefs that I didn't even know existed before the workshop. But I have also learned that it is possible to transform these beliefs - into beliefs that give me courage, confidence, warmth, and strength. Thanks to the knowledge about these beliefs, it is easier for me to find a certain distance and to remember my positive beliefs that we worked out together in the workshop. Thanks to the workshop, I now have tools with which to confront inner situations so that everything no longer has to be played out through the skin. That's why I don't feel so helpless now when my skin starts itching again. Right before the workshop, my skin was pretty good. But I still remember well the winter before, when I was constantly inflamed, especially on the neck, arms, and knees, and in the morning I was all white from the dry skin and in the evening had regular scratching attacks. Slowly and very unobtrusively from day to day, after the workshop, the skin became soft again and without inflammation. Since then (three months later) my skin has remained like this. Three times at intervals of one month each, the skin has worsened again, but only for about a week and only on the neck. Only on the neck my skin is still a little rough and sensitive. I don't apply cream here because I noticed that it then starts to itch a lot again. I feel so free in my skin, as I was not able to very often in my life until now - especially without cortisone. I don't feel my skin when I move and especially now in the summer when I sweat, only my neck itches a little. I can go out of the house without taking three different creams with me and generally think a lot less about my skin. What is worked out in the workshop continues to work in you for a long time and you can apply what you have learned throughout your life. Personally, the workshop helped me a lot, not only with the neurodermatitis, but with everything.